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Dott. Amedeo Milella

Education and Career History


Degree as Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at Aldo Moro University Medical School ,Bari-Italy

Italian Medical work Licenze
Registered as Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at at the Chamber of Doctors and Dentists of the Province of Bari.(Italy)


Assistant Professor

Department of Otolaryngology

Dr. med. Detlef Grün Hospital Dominikus-Krankenhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany).


Degree as Specialist in Medicine and Surgery in :

Otolaryngology and Neck Surgery at the Chamber of Physicians of North Rhine Westphalia in Düsseldorf (Germany).


Recognition of foreign credentials in order to work Under Italian Law as a Specialized Doctor in Otorhinolaryngology ((09A10518) OJ n. 205 of 04/09/2009).

First Assistant

Hospital: Klinikum-Lüdenscheid in Lüdenscheid (Germany) Department of Otolaryngology Head Physician: Dr. Med. Heino Davids.


Private professional services a specialised Doctor and Surgeon in Othorinolaringoiatry at Dr. Olaf Schmidt’s ENT consulting rooms in Krefeld (Germany); also performing othorinolaringoiatryc surgery at Helios-Klinikum (Krefeld) and Katharinen-Hospital (Willich) (Deutschland).


Private professional services a specialised Doctor and Surgeon in Othorinolaringoiatry at His prievate institution in Corigliano Calabro, Italy and he also practices as a private consultant in Reggio Calabria and in Bari (Italy).
Dr. Milella performs tests for the diagnosis of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, ear, and throat (including audiometric examination, diagnosis of vertigo and deafness, endoscopy of the nose and paranasal sinuses, fibrolaringoscopia, ultrasound of the district head and neck).
Furthermore, he performs surgery for nose, ear and petrous, the vocal cords, the major salivary glands (Gh. Submandibular ; Gh. Sublingual; Gh. Parotid), as well as procedures for pediatric otolaryngology, head and neck and traumatology and oncologic surgery of the head - / neck.